Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Promise Not To Tell

This book was somewhat of a disappointment. I had pretty much figured out the mystery by the middle of the book, but had to read another hundred or so pages to find out for sure. It was definately worth reading, in fact I took it to work with me and read it between seeing patients, but it wasn't the thriller I had anticipated.

The story revolves around two murders, separated in time by 30 years. The central character, Katy, has come home to take care of her mother, who has Alzheimer's dementia. When Katy was 10 years old, her friend Del was killed and the murder was never solved. Now another young girl is killed in a hauntingly similar manner, causing the police to question Katy, the only obvious link between the two girls. The text goes back and forth between Katy's experiences in both the past and present. She finds herself questioning the mental stability of her closest friends and family, as well as herself. I found that the unique past/present style in this book really worked. Although it was predictable, the timeline in which the key pieces to the mystery are revealed keeps you interested.

Shannon's Grade: B

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