Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Year of Almanac of the Dead: A Goal

Have I mentioned my disdain for "Year of" books? You know, the type of books where the narrator attempts to live a life without [insert noun] or attempts to live [insert adjective]? Well, I think its kind of stupid, and in ways shows a lack of creativity. So in an attempt to be uncreative (is that a word?) I am making it my 2008 goal to read Almanac of the Dead by Leslie Marmon Silko. This will be my third attempt, with the last attempt being a bet with Erik that I could finish it before him. I think there was a bar involved in the bet too but I can't remember...hmm....

The book is over a 1000 pages long and can be described as a Twin Peaks like soap opera. Jason just gave me back my copy and said that YES I SHOULD STRUGGLE UNTIL THE END. So, dear readers, we are about to begin my Year of Almanac of the Dead: A Goal. I will submit updates of my reading and utter confusion of the plot. I will attempt tree diagrams to understand the character connections. I will practice patience. I will succeed!

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