Thursday, May 24, 2007

Book Review: Baghdad Burning

Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog From Iraq by Riverbend

Whenever my friend Delia recommends books I always jump to read them. She always suggests great books. However this one was different. I kept putting this book off, it sat waiting to be read for at least six months, with the only reasoning I can offer is that it is a blog book.

Its true. Someone took Riverbend's blog "Baghdad Burning" and published the first year of her posts. Every so often she would provide her readers with political commentary and the daily occurrences of her life during the war without an end in Iraq. Her posts have helped me clear away some of the confusion surrounding the post-war Iraqi governing council and helped shine light on the fact that most Americans' believe the Iraqi people to be dumb sheepherders stuck three centuries back. She has humanized this war for me, if that makes sense.

She has also stopped posting for the time being. I won't state why but as the link is above you can find out yourself. I wish I had her writing talent. This is well worthy of reading.

Kim's Grade: A A slow, but good read.

For those of you who don't know, I don't choose what books to read anymore. I have left that up to Temporary who chooses them randomly from the shelf. So again I will be reading Middle East subject material. I'm not necessarily on a Middle Eastern kick.

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